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Fish Soup

Since i was young, this is what my step mom always made for me! – Live

Olive oil
2-3 Onion
1-2 Fennel
3 Carrots
Fish-stock ( 6 cups water+ 2 Tbls of fish bouillon)
2,5 cups cream
1 bunch Kale
Corn starch
18 oz Salmon
Salt & Pepper

  1. Start with chopping the onion, fennel and the carrots, and sauté with oil inn a pot until golden.
  2. Add the fish-stock and the cream to the pot and bring to boil and simmer for 15 while stirring. Then add the broccoli and the kale
  3. Stir the cornstarch in a separate bowl with 7 Tbs of water and then add to the soup, if not thick enough add more after your liking.
  4. Cut the salmon into cubes and add to the soup then stir gently! so the fish doesn’t fall apart.
  5. Season with salt and pepper

Thai Soup

1 onion
1 lb mushrooms
2 carrots
soy sauce

fry until carrots are soft, then add:

6c. veggie stock / fish broth
1 can coconut cream
1/2 t. tamarind
sliced jalapeño
1/2 T. fish sauce

simmer for 20 minutes, then add:

1 lb shrimp
1/4 c. chopped cilantro
1 bunch scallions
cherry tomatoes, quartered or halved
rice noodles
1 T. rice vinegar

cook for 4 minutes, remove from heat and add:

2 T lime juice

Cranberry Flip

When I die and go to Valhalla, this is what will be in my drinking horn.

1/2 shot egg whites
1 shot cranberry juice (the real deal, not grape juice in disguise)
1 shot rye whiskey
1/2 shot orange liquor
dash ginger bitters
4 ice cubes

Blender until frothy

Corellian Pasta Salad

I got this recipe off of a lovely woman from Corellia. This was her favorite dish to serve on the fourth of May.

bag of broccoli slaw
1/2 head of red cabbage, shredded
1 bunch of green onions, chopped
2 large carrots, shredded
small bunch of cilantro, minced

3 T. soy sauce
3 T. rice wine vinegar
2 T. sesame oil
1 T. chili sauce
1 clove garlic, pressed
1 t. grated ginger

boil 1/2 of the red cabbage in water & remove
Add chewy noodles

cook shrimp in garlic, ginger, and sesame oil


1 lb crisco
0.33 lb water
0.14 lb lye

Stir the lye into the water outside in a metal bowl. It will get hot & make nasty fumes. Melt the crisco (or fat combo of your choice). When both cooled to about 120 degrees, mix them together with a stick blender. When the consistency of cake batter, mix in 1/2 c. of oatmeal, 1-2 t. fragrance oil, & water based dye (or whatever you like in your soap). Pour into an empty pringles can and let set for a month. When it has solidified, peel away the pringles can and cut into bars.

Sussy Spaghetti

fish (snapper, bass, or similar)
olive oil
8pt. spinach
4 pt. fresh basil
1 pt. fresh parsley
1 pt. fresh sage
chili flakes

Cook spaghetti. In olive oil, fry fish and cover. When it is just about ready, add chopped garlic & chop up into flakes. When the garlic begins to toast, add chopped spinach, basil, parsley, sage, salt, & chili. toss with cooked pasta and olive oil.

Gluten Free Brownies

2 c. sweet potato, cubed and cooked
1/2 c. quick oats, ground
1/2 dates, diced
1/3 c. almond butter
1/3 c. applesauce
2T cocoa powder
2 t. vanilla
1 T. maple syrup
1/2 t. baking powder
1/4 t. salt
1 c. chocolate chips

Preheat to 350. Line a 9×9 pan with parchment paper. Soften the dates by putting them in the microwave in a bowl with 1 T. water for 30 seconds. Mix everything together, chocolate chips last. Spread in the pan and sprinkle some of the chocolate chips on top. Bake 22 minutes and let cool completely before eating.